Saturday, January 29, 2011

Recession? Nope, I'm just a college student.

It is up for debate whether or not we're still in the midst of a recession. I feel as if everyday it is a different story. Personally I think the media moguls and powers that be want to instill fear in us and have us put our energy into worrying about our bank accounts instead of the real atrocities that are going on in the world. 

Never the less, I thankfully have not felt the recession. I'm a nanny and there are still plenty of parents in nyc that are in need of an extra set of hands. 
However, if I've noticed anything as a result of the recession, it is that people are vain and still want to look their best despite a financial crisis. 

My father owns a hair salon and although the salon has felt the recession, hair grows and greys show, so my father has thankfully been busy (he is also an artistic genius when it comes to hair, so I cannot say I'm not surprised). 

It's also important that we continue to take care of ourselves as the world goes to mud around us. We must maintain mental clarity and physical strength. Many of us have gym memberships, but if you're like me, it feels as if the gym is stealing a bit of your soul each month when you pay your dues. 
NO FEAR! A home gym is possible. Even in TINY nyc apartments!!

I've recently taken a liking to workout dvds. Two I would recommend: 
-Tara Stiles Yoga Anywhere 
-The Tracy Anderson Method: Mat Workout DVD

Also, free weights are a great thing to have in the house, as is a yoga mat. (3-5lbs)

Other ways to keep fits sans a gym membership? Walk more, use public transportation less (when you're able to) and forego the elevator and take the stairs!! 

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